Theses and dissertations
Nathalia Virginia Veloso Aguiar. ESTUDO DO COMPORTAMENTO ESPECTRAL E USO DE INDICADORES HISTÓRICOS E DE CONTEXTO NA CLASSIFICAÇÃO DE FLORESTAS EM REGENERAÇÃO DA MATA ATLÂNTICA. Início: 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado profissional em Recursos Florestais) - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz. (Orientador).
Matheus Ogasawara. Impacto das mudanças climáticas no regime hídrico de riachos do sudeste do Brasil. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado em Recursos Florestais) - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Orientador: Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz.
Clarissa de Araujo Barreto 2019 .Doctoral thesis. Eucalyptus, water and society: the construction of representations in Vale do Paraíba, SP.
Carla Riovane Chiles 2019 Masters dissertation. Direct runoff generation in watersheds with forest cover in the subtropical region
Katherine Vasquez Vasquez 2019 Masters dissertation. Hydrology of watersheds as a function of forest cover dynamics
Glaucia Regina Santos. Integridade Ecológica de riachos de diferentes usos do solo. 2018. Tese (Doutorado em Recursos Florestais) - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Orientador: Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz.
Lara Gabrielle Garcia 2018 . Doctoral thesis. Composition and configuration of forest cover in the watershed and its effects on hydrological services.
Renata Siqueira Melo. 2017. Master's Thesis. Bird assemblage response to landscape planning in planted forests.
Carla Cristina Cassian. 2017. Doctoral thesis. Hydrological effects of landscape composition in watersheds with planted forests of Eucalyptus.
Carolina Bozetti Rodrigues. 2017. Doctoral thesis. Effects of managing planted forests of eucalyptus on surface water resources at the scale of watersheds.
Glaucia Regina Santos. Produção e decomposição de folhedo em vegetação secundária com a influência do eucalipto na zona ripária. 2016. Dissertação (Mestrado em ENGENHARIA FLORESTAL) - Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Coorientador: Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz.
Ricardo Hideo Taniwaki. 2016. Doctoral Thesis. Effects of intensive agriculture in the structure and functioning of tropical headwater streams.
Rodrigo Eiji Hakamada. 2016. Doctoral Thesis. Physiological responses and soil water balance of clonal eucalyptus under contrasting spacings and genotypes.
Cassio Bueno Maia . 2016. Master's thesis. Distributed climatic water balance as decision support for forest restoration actions in the Piracicaba river basin.
Frederico Miranda . 2016. Master's Thesis. Effects of physical factors and maintenance on the production of fine sediments on roads
Vinícius Guidotti de Faria . 2016. Master's Thesis. Prioritization of areas for forest restoration to conserve soil, water and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.
Yuri Arten Forte . 2016. Master's Thesis. Effectiveness of protected areas for nature conservation under the approach of ecosystem services in the Corumbataí river basin.
Lara Gabrielle Garcia . 2015. Master's Thesis. Use of mosaic clear cutting to reduce hydrological effects on forests
Paulo Guilherme Molin . 2014. Doctoral thesis. Dynamic modeling of native vegetation in the Piracicaba River basin and its effects on ecosystem services.
Carla Cristina Cassiano . 2013. Master's Thesis. The role of forest remnants in maintaining water quality in agricultural microbasins.
Rodrigo Anzolin Begotti . 2013. Doctoral thesis. The role of forest remnants in biodiversity retention and water conservation in a fragmented landscape in central Rondônia.
Michel Metran da Silva . 2012. Master's Thesis. Spatio-temporal dynamics of the variable inflow areas of the stream basin
Andreia Arruda de Oliveira Mosca . 2008. Doctoral Thesis. Assessment of the environmental impacts of eucalyptus plantations in the Cerrado based on a comparative analysis of the hydrological cycle and the sustainability of the landscape in two second-order basins.
Carolina Bozetti Rodrigues . 2007. Master's thesis. The effect of forest road leveling on sediment production.
Claudia Moster Barros . 2007. Master's thesis. Hydrological assessment of the riparian zone through the analysis of groundwater along the slopes of an experimental microbasin.
Maureen Voigtlaender . 2007. Master's thesis. Hydrological and biogeochemical characterization of watersheds: a comparison between Atlantic Forest and Pinus taeda L..
Elisa Hardt Alves Vieira . 2006. Master's Thesis. Environmental licensing of sand ports in the Corumbataí river basin as an instrument for the recovery of permanent preservation areas.
Katia Cristina Bortoletto . 2006. Master's Thesis. Application of GIS in the estimation of sediment production by laminar erosion in watersheds with planted and natural forests.
Claudia Mira Attanasio . 2004. Doctoral Thesis. Integrated management plans for watersheds with agricultural use: a hydrological approach in the search for sustainability.
Lucia Vidor de Sousa Reis . 2004. Doctoral Thesis. Forest cover and cost of water treatment in public watersheds: the case of the spring in the municipality of Piracicaba.
Andreia Arruda de Oliveira Mosca . 2003. Master's Thesis. Hydrological characterization of two watersheds aiming at the identification of hydrological indicators for the environmental monitoring of the management of planted forests.
Hudson Carlos Lissoni Leonardo . 2003. Master's Thesis. Soil and water quality indicators for the evaluation of the sustainable use of the Passo Cue river watershed, western region of the State of Paraná.
Noemi Mabel Rodriguez Anido . 2002. Master's Thesis. Hydrological characterization of an experimental microbasin to identify environmental monitoring indicators.
Viviana Kyoko Oki . 2002. Master's Thesis. Impacts of Pinus taeda harvesting on water balance, water quality and nutrient cycling in watersheds.
Carla Daniela Camara . 1999. Master's Thesis. Effects of Eucalyptus clearcutting on water balance and nutrient cycling in an experimental watershed.
Ana Rosa Tundis Vital . 1996. Master's Thesis. Effect of clear cutting on water balance and nutrient cycling in a watershed reforested with Eucalyptus.
Francisco Carlos Soriano Arcova . 1996. Master's Thesis. Water balance, runoff characteristics and calibration of two watersheds in Serra do Mar, SP.
Fernando Paiva Scardua . 1994. Master's Thesis. Hydrological characterization of a watershed of the Experimental Station of Forest Sciences of Itatinga, Esalq.
José Raimundo de Souza Passos . 1993. Master's Thesis. Modeling and simulation of hydrographs.
Guilherme de Castro Andrade . 1991. Master's thesis. Effects of reforestation and deforestation on hydrology, soil erosion and nutrient flow in microbasins in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte.
Mauricio Ranzini . 1990. Master's Thesis. Geochemical cycling of nutrients and soil losses in two watersheds reforested with Eucalyptus saligna in Vale do Paraiba, SP.