Doctoral project
Multi-scale evaluation of the effects of mosaic clearcutting under the flow regime of streams in reforestation areas
The best clear-cut planning has the potential to reduce the impacts of forest management, and in this proposal the main objective is to evaluate water production in different clear-cut scenarios in Eucalyptus reforestations. Two approaches will be used in the study: rainfall-runoff simulations (distributed GSSHA model) and flow permanence curve simulations (FCFC model) in different cutting scenarios.
Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz
Closed projects
Master's degree (07/2012 - 01/2015)
Use of mosaic clear-cutting to reduce hydrological effects on planted forests
Professional Practice (03/2012 - 07/2012)
Studies in forest hydrology, climate change and modeling
Internship (02/2011 - 03/2012)
Spatial distribution of Eucalyptus species in the face of climate change
Silvio Frosini by Barroz Ferraz