Chapters and books
Taniwaki, R.H. ; BRITO, J. G. ; Bento, C.B. ; Pitombo, L.M. ; Siqueira, R.M. ; FARIA, V. G. ; FERRAZ, S. F. B. ; Filoso, Solange ; CUNHA, D. G. F. ; Ferreira, M.S. ; Franca, M.V. ; Martinelli, Luiz A. . Questões ambientais sobre a conversão de pastagens degradadas para o cultivo e cana-de-açucar. In: Andreoli, C.V.; Philippi Jr, A.. (Org.). Sustentabilidade do Agronegócio. 1ed.Santana do Parnaíba: Manole, 2022, v. 1, p. 233-260.
FERRAZ, S. F. B.; Molin, P. G. ; Sil, A ; Azevedo, JC . ANÁLISE DE TENDÊNCIAS PASSADAS, ATUAIS E FUTURAS. In: Sónia M. Carvalho Ribeiro, Danilo Boscolo, Giordano Ciochetti, Ana Firmino, Nuno Guiomar. (Org.). Ecologia da paisagem no contexto luso-brasileiro?. 1ed.Curitiba: Appris, 2021, v. 1, p. 379-414.
RODRIGUES, CAROLINA BOZETTI ; TANIWAKI, RICARDO HIDEO ; GARCIA, LARA GABRIELLE ; Ferraz, Silvio Frosini de Barros . EFEITOS DO MANEJO DE FLORESTAS PLANTADAS DE EUCALYPTUS SOBRE NUTRIENTES E SEDIMENTOS EM RIACHOS. In: Robson José de Oliveira. (Org.). Engenharia Florestal Desafios, Limites e Potencialidade. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Cientiica, 2020, v. , p. 340-361.
LIMA, WP; FERRAZ, SFB; RODRIGUES, CB; ZAKIA, MJB; SALEMI, LF Forest Management and Water in Brazil. In: GARCIA-CHEVESICH, PA; NEARY, DG; SCOTT, DF; BENYON, RG; REYNA, T. (Ed.). Forest Management and the impact on water resources: a review of 13 countries. Montevideo: UNESCO, 2017, p.33-43.
LIMA, WP; RODRIGUES, CB; FERRAZ, SFB; VRECHI, A. Hydrological sustainability of planted forests: the role of monitoring in experimental watersheds. In: RODRIGUES, LM; SHULER, AE (Ed.). Water: challenges for the sustainability of agriculture. 1 ed. Brasília: EMBRAPA, 2016, p.167-183.
MORI, GB; CASSIANO, CC ; FERRAZ, SF B. ; CAMARGO, AFM. Corumbataí river basin: land use and limnological characteristics. In: Maria Eugenia Bruck de Moraes; Reinaldo Lorandi. (Org.). Research methods and techniques in watersheds. 1d.Ilhéus: Editus, 2016, v. 1, p. 217-237.
FERRAZ, SFB ; VETTORAZZI, CA; THEOBALD, D. Use of deforestation indicators and land use dynamics in defining conservation strategies: a case study in Rondônia. In: Carlos A. Peres; Jose Barlow; Toby A. Gardner; Fridge Magnet Celia Guimarães Vieira. (Org.). Biodiversity conservation in anthropized landscapes in Brazil. 1d. Curitiba: UFPR, 2013, v.1, p.465-488.
LIMA, WP ; FERRAZ, SFB ; FERRAZ, KMPMB Biotic and abiotic interactions in the landscape: an eco-hydrological perspective. In: Maria do Carmo Calijuri; Davi Gasparini Fernandes Cunha. (Org.). ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: CONCEPTS, TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 1 ed., 2012, v.1, p.215-244.
CANCIAN, LF; CAMARGO AFM; FERRAZ, SFB . Protocol proposal for the elaboration of a database for rivers of hydrographic basins using geographic information systems (GIS). In: LANCHO, JFG (Org.); SILVA, AM (Org.); TURIEL, JLF (Org.); GALINDO, G. (Org.). Waters, Suelos and Vegetation in Iberoamerican Cuencas. 1ed., 2012, v.1, p.1-23.
LIMA, WP ; FERRAZ, SFB ; RODRIGUES, CB ; VOIGTLAENDER, M. Assessing the hydrological effects of forest plantations in Brazil. In: Wiley-Blackwell. (Org.). River Conservation and Management. 1d. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, v.1, p.59-68.
LIMA, WP Plantation forestry and water: science, dogmas, challenges. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto BioAtlântica, 2011. 64p.
LIMA, WP Forestry and water: science, dogmas, challenges. 1.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto BioAtlântica, 2010. 64p.
LIMA, WP ; MOREIRA FILHO, O.; AMAZONAS, MC Thematic group I - Management of natural resources in the Amazon. In: Oliveira, D.; Santos, EA; Brito, MA (Org.). Conference of the Science and Technology Subprogram SPC&T Phase II/PPG7 - Proceedings. Belém, PA: CNPq, 2008, v. single, p.6-10.
LIMA, WP; ZÁKIA, MJB Planted forests and water: implementing the micro-watershed concept as a planning unit. 1.ed.
São Carlos - SP: RiMa Editora, 2006. 218p.
LIMA, WP Environmental impact of eucalyptus. 2nd ed. São Paulo: EDUSP (University of São Paulo Publishing House), 1993. 301p.
LIMA, WP Planted forests, water and watersheds: a strategy for the conservation of water resources. In: Valdemir Antonio Rodrigues; Luis Alberto Bucci. (Org.). Management of Hydrographic Watersheds: national and international experiences. 1d. Botucatu: Foundation for Agricultural and Forestry Studies and Research - FEPAF, 2006, v.1, p.29-36.
FERRAZ, SFB ; AMARAL, WA soybean-deforestation dynamics on the agricultural frontier of the Amazon and projection of expansion scenariosIn: GT Floresta. (Org.). Relationship between soy cultivation and deforestation. Brasilia, 2005.
LIMA, WP The certification and management of hydrographic basins. In: André Giancini de Freitas. (Org.). Certified Brazil - The history of forest certification in Brazil. Piracicaba - SP: Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification Institute, 2005, v.1, p.94-95.
LIMA, WP Restoration of urban basins. In: Mario Thadeu Leme de Barros. (Org.). The Question of Water in Large Brazilian Cities - Workshop.
São Paulo: Escola Politécnica da USP, 2004, v.1, p.21-29.
LIMA, WP Hydrological relationships in riparian forests. In: Raoul Henry. (Org.). Ecotones at the Interfaces of Aquatic Ecosystems. São Carlos - SP: RiMa Editora, 2003, p.293-300.
LIMA, WP ; CAMERA, CD; ZÁKIA, MJB Implications of forest harvesting and soil preparation on erosion and silting of hydrographic basins. In: José Leonardo de Moraes Gonçalves; Jose Luiz Stape. (Org.). Soil Conservation and Cultivation for Forest Plantations. 1ed.Piracicaba - SP: Institute of Forestry Research and Studies - IPEF, 2002, v.1, p.373-392.
LIMA, WP Maintenance of water resources. In: Aristeu Mendes Peixoto. (Org.). Brazilian Agricultural Encyclopedia. 1ed.São Paulo: Publisher of the University of São Paulo, 2002, v.4, p.417-419.
VETTORAZZI, CA; FERRAZ, SFB Precision forestry: a new perspective for managing forestry activities. In: BORÉM, A.; GIÚDICE, MP; QUEIROZ, DM. (Org.). Precision agriculture. Viçosa: UFV, 2000, v.1, p.65-75.
VETTORAZZI, CA; FERRAZ, SFB ; COUTO, HTZ; POMPERMAYER NETO, P. Aerial videography as a data source for decision making in agriculture. In: Luiz Antonio Ballastreire. (Org.). The state-of-the-art of precision agriculture in Brazil. Piracicaba, 2000, p.197-200.
LIMA, WP; ZÁKIA, MJB Hydrology of riparian forests. In: Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues; Hermógenes de Freitas Leitão Filho. (Org.). Riparian Forests: Conservation and Recovery. 1d.São Paulo: EDUSP/FAPESP, 2000, p.33-44.
FERRAZ, SFB ; VETTORAZZI, CA; VIANA, VM; PINHEIRO, LAFV Geoprocessing applied to forest cover recovery in the Corumbataí river basin. In: SEMAE. (Org.). Forest recovery and sustainable development in the Corumbataí river basin. Piracicaba: SEMAE, 1998, p.49-55.
GHOLZ, HL; LIMA, WP The ecophysiological basis for productivity in the tropics. In: EK Sadanandan Nambiar; Alan G. Brown. (Org.). Management of Soil, Nutrients and Water in Tropical Plantation Forests. 1ed.Canberra, Australia: ACIAR - Australian Center for International Agricultural Research, 1997, p.213-238.