Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz
Academic training and performances
He graduated in Forestry Engineering at the University of São Paulo in 1998. He completed a doctorate in Forest Resources at the University of São Paulo in 2004. He did a post-doctorate at the University of São Paulo in 2005. He was a professor at the Ecology Department at the Biosciences Institute - UNESP Rio Claro from 2006-2008. Since 2008, he has been a professor at the Department of Forest Sciences at ESALQ/USP. He has published 31 articles in specialized periodicals and 47 works in annals of events. It has 8 chapters of published books. It has 5 developed software. Received 5 awards and/or honors. He works in the area of Watershed Management and Landscape Ecology with an emphasis on forest and water resources conservation planning. In his professional activities, he interacted with 50 collaborators in co-authorship of scientific works.